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💃 Our Year 1 and Year 2 pupils had an amazing time at a dance festival last week. ⭐️ Their energy and creativity were truly inspiring. We couldn’t be prouder of their performances! pic.twitter.com/730U95QA9u

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🦁 Pupils took part in a workshop based on the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to support their learning and understanding of the book. 🎭 They took turns acting out parts of the novel and placing themselves in the shoes of various characters. pic.twitter.com/6jAmWyrtXW

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📫 Our community book swap is here! 📚 Please come along to select and leave a book after school today.#worldbookday2025 pic.twitter.com/xNNsVRof29

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🤫 Sneak preview! 📚 Our community book swap will be going live tomorrow! Please come along after school to select and leave a book. 🎫 We have a unit outside Willow class and near the main playground entrance. We are looking forward to seeing you there!#worldbookday2025 pic.twitter.com/FP0lUlPtYv

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🥞 Our fantastic Year 6 students took the lead yesterday, spreading smiles and serving up delicious pancakes to all our pupils in celebration of Schrove Tuesday! pic.twitter.com/XD8HFJhGV7

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🎩 In History, Year 1 pupils have been learning all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 👷 They were inspired by his engineering work on the Clifton Suspension Bridge and they designed their own out of Lego! pic.twitter.com/MEt7E3MFWG

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🐉 Year 4 were busy making paper mache, the first part of their Chinese New Year Lantern construction 🏮 pic.twitter.com/1pxc1vGSBu

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❤️ There were plenty of tasty themed treats for pupils to enjoy in the canteen today! pic.twitter.com/HqK5SzD36I

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🐻 Forest School club went on a bear hunt! 🪵The children worked in small groups to collect materials for a den for their bear. 🛖 They then constructed the den, adding interesting features and then tested out their den prototypes. pic.twitter.com/U3VgiDCSyV

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🎭 Pupils enjoyed their recent trip to to see a pantomime performance. pic.twitter.com/nHaILWrlJb

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🎭 Pupils enjoyed their recent trip to to see a pantomime performance. pic.twitter.com/LA1aKMRk9e

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🎄 The PTA's online hamper competition has gone live. You are now able to enter and have the chance of winning one of 8 amazing hampers! 🎁 All contributions have been generously donated by parents and carers of students. 🔔 To enter, follow this link - https://t.co/SqNOq5krXu pic.twitter.com/dLpt6xEUQ0

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Thursday 14th November at 9:15am. To book onto a tour, please contact the school office: Telephone: 01279 703484 Email: reception.org pic.twitter.com/0XUqHmJsw0

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Fun at Barleylands! Year 1 trip! pic.twitter.com/BteojGZE5g

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School Meals and Milk

Both myself and Michelle came away from our visit last week wishing every primary school lunch service was like the one we witnessed at Magna Carta. The quality of food, the communication with the pupils and the overall dining room environment is so positive, well done you.  Jill Taylor, LBA Safety

Welcome to our Magna Carta Kitchen and Dining Hall lovingly called “Castle View Canteen”

Our kitchen is managed by Ms Emma Bradley along with her catering assistant Siobhan Saunders.  Together they prepare a delicious, fresh lunch option every day.

Our catering team pride themselves on knowing our pupils including both their likes and dislikes.

Daily fresh fruit and salad are prepared for the children to choose from and enjoy.

Staff try to make the lunchtime atmosphere as relaxed as possible for everyone to be able to eat the food they like and enjoy a meal together.

Lunchtime is one of the key parts of our school day. We encourage all our pupils to choose school meals as we can cater for some allergies and intolereances. Pupils in Reception to Year 2 all receive a free school meal. We offer a vegetarian and meat option each day along with jacket potato and/or a baguette option.  All pupils sit down together and eat together. If packed lunches are brought in, we ask that they comply with the healthy guidelines for packed lunches. 

We also encourage our staff to spend time with the children to model good conversations, good behaviours and good habits during this lunch hour.


Our menu has been designed using a wide variety of meal options that our parents and students have had an input in and provides a real choice.

Our kitchen staff prepare meals to a high standard using local suppliers for meat, fruit and vegetables, so our ingredients are as fresh as possible.

Once a week, on a Friday usually, we make a sweet treat for dessert.

This is normally a cake or biscuit but can include jelly and even ice cream in the warmer weather.

Our menu can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Paying for Meals

ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available. You will have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password.

Paypoint payments are recorded by ParentPay and can be seen by logging into your Parentpay account and viewing your payment history online.

You are able to pre-order your child/rens lunches on a weekly basis. We hope you enjoy going through the menu and picking lunches out together and this way you know what they are eating everyday and can plan you home meals in advance too.

Lunch booking closes on a Wednesday for the following week but you can always order a few weeks in advance or termly if you prefer.

Free School Meals

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

Children who get any of the above benefits in their own right (ie they get benefits payments directly, instead of through a parent or guardian) can also get free school meals.

To apply for free school meals Please visit https://www.essex.gov.uk/free-school-meals


Universal Infant Free School Meals

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to receive a free school meal, regardless of income, in line with the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative. There is no need to make an application to the Local Authority for parents of these children.

Therefore you should only apply for free school meals in the July of the year that your child is entering Year 3, or if your child is Year 4 or older if you believe you meet the low income eligibility criteria.


Milk is offered during the morning session to all pupils under five years old, and pupils entitled to free school meals, free of charge.  Parents of all other pupils are offered to opportunity to purchase milk for their child through our milk provider, Cool Milk.  Further information can be found here.

Packed Lunch

View the Packed Lunch Guide

If your child has medical needs which mean they need to have a drink other than water, please contact Mrs Avey via the school office to write a Health Care Plan. 

Lunch Menus and Food Guides

School website by Cleverbox