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Visiting Students Teach Music Skills
Posted: 19th January 2023The sounds of the Caribbean floated around the school as children learnt a new skill.
Year 8 members of the steel band from Felsted School visited Magna Carta Primary Academy to teach Year 5 and 6 pupils how to play.
The drumming workshop gave pupils the skills to put on a performance at the end of the day for the rest of the school.
Year 6 pupil Freddie said: “I didn't think I could do it and it was hard at first, but then I got it and it was really fun!”
Art teacher Ann Clausen said: “Magna Carta is always looking for ways in which to provide children with opportunities to challenge them, develop their confidence, help them to identify skills they may not realise they have and have a fun element, too. The chance to have a workshop with Felsted School’s steel band was one such opportunity.
“I hope the children took away the thought that when challenged with something quite new to them - yet guided carefully through it - they can achieve what they thought they might not have been able to. I hope they feel proud of their achievement and realise how much enjoyment they gave, and what a fabulous example they set for the rest of Magna Carta with their performance.”
Head of school Jen Pearce said: “Our pupils demonstrated what they learned at the workshops and the joyful sounds of summer and the Caribbean floated throughout school.
“A true whole school event.”